Cable Modem Internet Service

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No Peer-to-Peer File Sharing

Peer-to-peer file sharing applications such as BitTorrent, Gnutella, Limewire, etc. have proliferated. These applications allow users to search an entire network for files that interest them, and then download those files to their own computers. Most peer-to-peer file sharing programs set your computer up to act as a server and share these files. In doing so, the Internet experience for all users on the network may be compromised. Multiple, simultaneous video downloads, mass emailing, indiscriminate file sharing and other abusive practices are violations of Fast Wave’s policy. Failure to take reasonable precautions to protect your computer from malware and viruses or exposing the network to risk by visiting abusive sites or utilizing abusive software is a violation of Fast Wave’s policy. Failure to comply with this policy may result in corrective measures being taken by Fast Wave Networks, including but not limited to bandwidth throttling, temporary restrictions on network access, and/or the discontinuation of your Internet access account.

If you are a Fast Wave subscriber or have access to our network through your property, please abide by our file sharing policy and:

  • Turn off Peer-to-Peer Networking Servers
  • Consider removing any application that has file sharing enabled from your system. If you choose not to remove the application, you should ensure that your system is configured not to file share. Please call our Customer Support Center if you need assistance in doing this.
  • Read Fast Wave’s Acceptable Use Policy,  and Terms and Conditions for more details

Update Your Anti-Virus Software and Firewall Software

In addition to peer-to-peer file sharing applications, computer viruses and other malware can not only impact the functionality of your computer, but can attempt to hijack the available bandwidth at a property and negatively impact all other users at that property.

If you are a Fast Wave subscriber or have access to our network through your property, please protect yourself and others by ensuring that your anti-virus software and firewall software are up-to-date and operating correctly, with automatic updates of virus definition files turned on. Most modern operating systems come with a built-in software firewall, and free anti-virus software is available online.

Failure to comply with this policy may result in corrective measures being taken by Fast Wave Networks, including but not limited to bandwidth throttling, temporary restrictions on network access, and/or the discontinuation of your Internet access account.

Please call our Customer Support Center if you need any assistance with this.

One ID per User and Computer

Your user ID is valid for your computer or other wireless device only – no sharing. Each ID allows for ONLY one user at a time. Sharing IDs bumps the current user of that ID off the network.

Fast Wave Networks utilizes a process intended to optimize the performance of the entire wireless network for all subscribers and protect it from being hijacked by individual abusers. Subscribers whose internet activity is perceived as abusive will be tagged by our system and connection speeds of that subscriber will automatically be throttled down. Most normal Internet activity is well below the threshold of abusive behavior, though certain peer-to-peer file sharing applications like BitTorrent and TVU player can become abusive. To avoid this, we advise that you ensure that your applications are not creating excessive upload traffic and recommend that, in order to remain compliant with Fast Wave’s Internet Policy, Acceptable Use Policy, and Terms & Conditions, you adjust this activity in accordance with these policies.E-mail or Call 1-888-275-7530 for technical assistance
or questions regarding our Internet Policy